After World War II, industrialization made the US the wealthiest nation in the world—it also made the country one of the planet’s biggest polluters. Today, data centers have become a new source of carbon emissions. While our past was built on carbon, our future can’t be. Ecoscale is our effort to pave the way for a cleaner, more sustainable industry that redefines what’s possible. As we undertake this journey, we’re preserving the past through initiatives like ensuring that the historic Carrollton Manor House at Quantum Frederick, built in 1820, will be enjoyed for decades to come.
Heal the past, improve the future
How Ecoscale will Revitalize the Environment at Quantum Frederick
A New Chapter for Frederick
Annual New CO2 emissions
A Better Narrative for Clean Industry
Since the beginning, the story has been that human progress comes with environmental costs. Ecoscale aims to change that. But our new approach isn’t just a better narrative. We’re uniting technology with sustainability to inspire others to join our quest for transformation.
Restoring Nature with new forest
We’re making Ecoscale a reality with purposeful action that breathes new life into our local ecosystems on a path that brings one million new plants to our Nature Reserve:
Quest for Environmental Enhancement
Nature and Technology in Harmony
Ecoscale represents a pivotal shift in how we approach sustainability. By intertwining technological innovation with the well-being of our planet, we’re harnessing the power of nature as a technology to create a better future.
The Nature Reserve: A Buffer and a Beacon
Nestled within a former industrial brownfield, our Nature Reserve serves a dual purpose. It acts as a buffer, protecting the integrity of the surrounding community, while also standing as a beacon of environmental rejuvenation—a testament to the transformative power of stewardship.
Carbon Reduction and Removal
At Quantum Frederick, our first Ecoscale project, we’re putting sustainability into practice. Through strategic site selection, infrastructure reutilization, and exploration of cleaner fuels, we’re working to reduce emissions. And with our Nature Reserve acting as a carbon sink, we’re striving to achieve negative emissions, aligning ourselves with Maryland’s ambitious climate targets.
Refreshed Water Quality
In addition to using recycled wastewater to cool our facilities, we’re revitalizing natural water systems, improving stormwater management, increasing flood storage capacity, and enhancing water filtration for communities and ecosystems. Two miles of streams will be restored in the Tuscarora Tributary, part of the Potomac and Monocacy River Basin in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed.
A Blooming MicroBiome
Modern farming techniques have leached chemicals into the ground and stripped away fertile topsoil—endangering the complex microbiome local plants depend on. The Nature Reserve will drive vital processes that restore it and sequester a huge amount of carbon in the process.
Preserving Biodiversity
Maryland is home to a diverse array of pollinators. From over 400 species of bees, to butterflies, ants, beetles, flies, moths, wasps, and hummingbirds, each maintains the delicate balance of our ecosystems. By planting native species and creating wildlife corridors, we're ensuring that these vital creatures have the habitat they need to thrive.
The Path Forward
When the Nature Reserve is completed, we’ll have restored over 600 acres of wild land. Carbon from the project will be sequestered on site, the local community will enjoy three miles of new trails to explore, and animals will traverse wildlife corridors in peace. Beyond these immediate benefits, we hope Ecoscale inspires positive change across our industry. By building a path for technology and nature, we can create a future where both coexist in harmony.
The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it.
– Robert Swan